After getting invited to an event at Sapphire Bloc, we immediately went to Kko Kko just to try their chicken cheese fondue, which has been circulating around social media, even if we were stuffed.

We arrived the Korean restaurant and were a bit surprised of its design. There's nothing in it that will give you a hint that this is a Korean restaurant! The place is instagram-worthy, and comes across as a cafe with plant-filled shelves on the wall, and round, orange lightings.

Chicken Cheese Fondue
P588 (Half) Good for 2-3 people
P988 (Whole) good for 5-6 people
This set is composed of cheese fondue in a bread bowl, with homemade onion rings, fries, and two flavors of their boneless chicken (Yang Nyum).
Yang Nyum flavors: Sweet Chili, Oh-My-Garlic, Classic Soy, Chilli Sili
Cheese Fondue (available in original, mustard garlic, or chili cheese) - This was a bit of a let down. It wasn't the creamy, sharp cheese that I was expecting. It seemed like it has more cream than cheese.
Cheese Fries - I liked this one. It's not the usual, salty, cheese flavored fries we're used to. It tasted as if it also has some sour cream in the cheese mix. It's good. It's not just cheese.
Onion rings - I found this one typical, although I liked it because the onions weren't cut too thick or too thin.
Sweet Chili Yang Nyum - The taste of their sweet chili was okay. Well, I actually didn't taste the chili. It's nothing too special, to be honest.
Oh-My-Garlic - Oh My! I liked this one a lot. The even blend of salty and sweet, plus garlic in the chicken was delicious.
Service was great. The server was able to provide more than the assistance we needed. He was very helpful in making us understand what we are about to order.

Overall, it's safe to say that everything in this fondue set tasted well. It's just sad that the fondue, which is supposed to be the highlight of all of this, was the one that didn't meet my expectations.
My score:
Pricing – 3.5/5
Service – 4/5
Ambiance – 4/5
Taste – 3.5/5
Location: G/F The Sapphire Bloc Building, Sapphire Road, Ortigas
Date of Visit: March 4, 2017